
Welcome to Shine Yoga

Hi and Welcome, my name is Kristy and I am the founder of Shine Yoga. I have been practising yoga for over a decade now and I absolutely love it!  However, my real passion for yoga began shortly after the birth of my first daughter.

At that point in my life I was fumbling through my new role as a mother, coupled with the unfortunate fact that I could barley walk after to nerve damage I received during a complicated childbirth.  I sought help from many professionals and among other things, I was advised to get back into my yoga practice as much as I could.  This was a bit of a scary thought at that time, as my legs would quite often give a way without notice and I’d be on the floor.  However, I persisted with yoga and physio, and thankfully made a full recovery about 6 months after later. I strongly believe that yoga was a large contributing factor in my physical recovery, but what I gained most out of my practice at that time in my life was a sense of peace and balance.

The early days, weeks and months of motherhood were without a doubt some of the most wonderful days of my life, however coupled with all those joyous moments were times of overwhelm, anxiety and exhaustion.  During that time of my life, Yoga gave me the space I needed to “just breathe”.  It gave me the space I needed to listen to my body and my mind, and allow my internal wisdom and intuition to shine through.  I learnt to breathe through motherhood and to trust my intuition when mothering my daughter.  The simple act of attending a yoga class, taking time out for self care, gave me an immense feeling of support and guidance as I navigated the many challenges of motherhood.

In the lead up to my second birth, I was determined to have a positive birthing experience.  I started attending prenatal yoga classes and not long after began studying to become a Prenatal Yoga Teacher.  I was determined to do all I could to feel empowered, calm and confident during my own pregnancy and labour, and to gain the skills and qualifications I needed to share this feeling and knowledge with other pregnant women.

And thus began the creation of Shine Yoga.

I look forward to seeing you on your mat soon.

Much Love,

Kristy xx






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