
6 great reasons why you need Prenatal Pilates in your life!

Not sure if pregnancy pilates is for you? Did you know that a specialised pregnancy pilates class is a very safe and effective way to feel better physically and mentally during pregnancy. Pilates will help you prepare your body for birth and also the recovery after birth. Here are some of my top reasons for committing to a regular and specialised pregnancy pilates class.
IMPROVED POSTURE – as your belly grows, your weight shifts and often it is hard to maintain good posture. Pilates classes will help to lengthen and strengthen tight and shortened muscles created due to poor posture. You will gain strength and awareness in the muscles needed to help you maintain good posture throughout your pregnancy.
STRONGER CORE – your core undergoes massive stress and transformation during pregnancy and labour. Learning how to effectively strengthen your deep core stabilising muscles has a huge effect on supporting your body during pregnancy, labour and into motherhood. A strong core will help you achieve better posture and reduce back and pelvic pain.
BREATH AWARENESS AND CONTROL – learning how to breathe properly gives you more energy day to day, it also helps to avoid putting excess strain and pressure on your pelvic floor and core. Your breath will be one of your greatest assets during labour (if you have learnt how to use it effectively).
REDUCED BACK AND PELVIC PAIN – stretching and strengthening all the muscles that are working hard to support your growing belly will have a huge effect on reducing back and pelvic pain.
REDUCED STRESS – moving your body and connecting with other women in a similar situation is a great way to reduce stress. Our pilates classes will also help release tension and tightness in your back, neck and shoulders, which may have been created from stress.
STRENGTHEN YOUR BODY AND MIND FOR BIRTH – Feeling physically fit as you approach your due date will have a huge impact on how you are feeling mentally as well. Labour is called labour for a reason, it can be very taxing on your body and mind. Pilates will help you gain the physical and mental strength you need to approach birth feeling strong, empowered and ready.
PELVIC FLOOR AWARENESS- learning how to work with your breath tone and relax your pelvic floor is one of the best things you can do for yourself during pregnancy. It encourages better posture, lessen back and pelvic pain, aids in a smoother birth and a better recovery post birth.
These are just a few of the wonderful benefits you can gain by attending a regular pregnancy pilates class. If you would like to feel amazing and empowered during pregnancy, please join one of our pregnancy yoga and/or pilates classes, you won’t regret it.
Please reach out if you would like any more information on any of our pregnancy and postnatal classes.
Our Prenatal Pilates classes are held on Thursday evenings in Buderim and Tuesday mornings in Forest Glen. Class prices start as low as $16 per class. Click here for more information and to reserve your spot. I hope to see you on the mat soon.
Kristy xx

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