
Yoga for Birth

“The connect I was able to experience with my unborn child was beautiful and each session gave me a sense of peace and strength before my birth” 

Designed for women in their third trimester to prepare physically, emotionally and mentally for a physiological birth.  Our Yoga for Birth classes provide a calming and reflective space for women to slow down, connect with their bodies and babies as they journey through the later stages of their pregnancy.

Here’s what you can expect over the course of the term:

Week 1: We concentrate on postural awareness to ease physical discomforts, movements to balance the ligaments of the pelvis in preparation for birth, pelvic floor awareness, lengthening and relaxation techniques, and simple techniques to help build mental strength for labour and manage pain.  Breathing techniques include Belly Breathing and Extended Exhale Breathing to soothe and balance the nervous system.

Week 2: We explore ways to use a birth ball to ease tension during pregnancy, prepare your body for birth and for support during labour.  We move our bodies in ways to promote optimal foetal positioning, ultimately creating more space for baby to move into an ideal position for birth.  Breathing techniques include Directing the Breath to ease discomfort and Ujjayi Breath for focus and mental strength.

Week 3: We address overcoming fears and building resilience. This session involves yoga postures, guided meditations, visualizations, and breathing techniques designed to help release fears associated with childbirth and motherhood. There’s also a discussion on how the brain functions during labour and why fear can contribute to tension and pain. Breathing technique for this week is Humming Bee Breath which helps the body to achieve a more relaxed state providing the perfect condition for maximum birthing hormones to be released.

Week 4: Restorative Yoga Week.  Indulge is a super nourishing class, designed to leave you feeling deeply relaxed on a physical, emotional and mental level. We focus on awakening your maternal instincts and inner wisdom. We move at a slower pace, allowing you time to connect with your baby and visualize your birth with optimism.  Breathing technique for this week is Golden Thread Breath designed to help you stay calm and relaxed during and in-between contractions.

4 WEEK TERM – $112 ( 4 x 75 minute classes) 

Casual class $33 (subject to availability)

Fridays at Fresh Holistic Health - Forest Glen with Kristy Time
Term 3       11th April - 9th May (NO CLASS ON 25TH APRIL) 11:00am - 12:15pm
Birth Workshop       16th May 11:30am - 1:30pm
Term 4       23rd May - 13th June 11:00am - 12:15pm
Birth Workshop       20th June 11:30am - 1:30pm


Save $50 when combining a Yoga for Birth term and an Active Birth Workshop

We highly recommend adding one of our Active Birth Workshops to our Yoga for Birth Terms.  This will allow you and your partner to learn how to work together and support each other during labour.

(Yoga for Birth terms are just for pregnant women. Active Birth Workshops are for pregnant women and their birth support person/s to attend)

Just a few of the skills you and your partner will gain during an Active Birth workshop:

  • Active birth moves – ways to move your body during labour to ease discomfort and aid baby on his/her descent through the birthing canal.
  • How to use a birth ball and rebozo for comfort during labour.
  • Massage Techniques for your partner to use.
  • Hands on techniques for your partner to use – acupressure points, counter pressure and relaxations techniques.
  • Breathwork for all stages of labour – when your birth support person knows these techniques they are better able to support you during labour as they coach you and remind you to continue to breathe.
  • Visualisations and Meditations to calm your nerves, keep you focused and relaxed during labour.

For more information on our Birth Workshops click here

Our Yoga for Birth classes are held at

Fresh Holistic Health

330 Mons Rd, Forest Glen

private pregnancy yoga class

Terms and Conditions

Classes consist of a 4 week term with 1 class per week.  Bookings are essential. 

If your baby arrives before the end of the term any remaining classes will be refunded, other than this reason, classes are non-refundable and non-transferable.